I recently celebrated the first anniversary of my blog and flowers are always a good way to mark a special occasion. I launched Fragroom in December 2016 after leaving the corporate media world due to a bad case of burnout. It’s been a year of ups and downs and ups since then.

Blogging is high maintenance, especially if you’re a control freak like me. I always have such doubts before I click “publish”. Is this self-indulgent rubbish? Will my readers find this useful and interesting? Must get Photoshop – look at the specks on that bottle!

Mostly, though, it’s been an enriching experience. Learning new content skills and tricks. Learning from more experienced (and very generous) bloggers. Trusting my instincts.

The satisfaction of getting likes and comments from my readers is what keeps me going. Yes, we blog for ourselves and about our passions, but no point blogging in a vacuum, is there?

This collection of flowers from the communal gardens where I live in Bedfordview, Johannesburg, is my thank you to all those who have supported my blog so far.

As a blogger, I spend way too much time in front of the computer screen. A walk in the garden always puts a smile on my face when I am working towards one of my deadlines.

It’s time now for me to step back, unplug, spend time with family, friends, myself and a book… I will be back on the other side of 2017. Big thank you again.