Arbour Café Rendezvous, With A Side Order Of Terre d’Hermes Parfum

Terre d'Hermes Parfum @ Arbour Cafe

I was recently invited to eat a meal at Arbour Café, a French-style cafe in Birdhaven, a wealthy Johannesburg suburb. I am usually weary of French-inspired restaurants, as all too often they lapse into tweeness and clichés. Non, merci beaucoup! However, in the name of open-mindedness, I put my misgivings aside and accepted the kind invitation. And besides I needed an outing to wear my Terre d’Hermes Parfum.

Terre d'Hermes Parfum @ Arbour Cafe

I arrived for my Arbour Café rendezvous for an early-ish brunch. While the street-facing side of the restaurant has its attractions, I chose to eat in the courtyard for a bit of air, sun and people-watching.

Terre d'Hermes Parfum @ Arbour Cafe

Arbour Café specialises in galettes (savoury French buckwheat pancakes) and crêpes (thinner pancakes usually served with sweeter fillings). There are plenty of other options on the menu for breakfast, dinner and lunch, including omelettes, salads, sandwiches and desserts.

Terre d'Hermes Parfum @ Arbour Cafe
TRES BIEN: Galette with Smoked Norwegian Salmon, Capers, Cucumber, Dill Crème Fraîche and an Egg.

For my main meal, I chose the Galette with Smoked Norwegian Salmon, Capers, Cucumber, Dill Crème Fraîche and an Egg. Très bien! And the Decadent Nutella and Banana crêpes for dessert. C’est délicieux! Both were served by friendly and attentive staff in an amiable and comfortable environment that’s thankfully not precious at all.

Terre d'Hermes Parfum @ Arbour Cafe.
C’EST DELICIEUX: Decadent Nutella and Banana crêpes.

And what of my fragrance companion, Terre d’Hermes Parfum? A perfect choice, if I may so myself. Whenever I wear this fragrance I ask myself (rhetorically), “Has bitter orange ever opened a fragrance so magnificently?”

Terre d'Hermes @ Arbour Cafe

Yet there’s so more to Terre d’Hermes Parfum than its trademark citrus introduction. Its flint note adds an unusual and earthy mineral aspect, which evolves into an almost burnt treatment of oakmoss, woody and benzoin notes. Not for nothing is Terre d’Hermes Parfum regarded as one of perfumer Jean-Claude Ellena’s masterpieces.

While I was finishing my very pleasant meal in Arbour Café’s relaxing courtyard, a fellow diner walked by and swooned: “Oh! That must be Terre d’Hermes. I would recognize it anywhere.”

Arbour Café, corner Wrenrose Avenue and St Andrews Street, Birdhaven, Johannesburg. Tel: 011 788 4111.  Email:

Terre d'Hermes Parfum @ Arbour Cafe


6 Replies to “Arbour Café Rendezvous, With A Side Order Of Terre d’Hermes Parfum”

  1. Hi Richard, is this a new version of Terre Hermes? The reason I ask is that I have an old bottle. But I don’t recall the base being orange. Yours appears to be so. By the way, the food looks amazing. Great pictures as always!! Thanks, John

    1. Hello John, big thanks, although I can’t claim credit for all the pics. The EDT (launched in 2006) has the clear bottle. The Parfum version (launched in 2009) has the orange base. Hope that helps. R

  2. It’s so hard to decide where to start… OK, since I just had a delicious dinner (my galette didn’t have an egg and cucumber but had everything else you described), I’ll say first that your and my meals were great 🙂
    Now, to the perfume. Terre d’Hermes is one of my all-time favorite masculine perfumes, and I love to smell it on my vSO. I think I would also recognize it anywhere.

    1. Fancy that, Undina, both of us eating delicious galettes.
      Regarding Terre d’Hermes, I can understand why it’s one of your favourite masculine scents. It’s utterly distinctive. And your VSO must smell superb!

I look forward to your comments.